
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What changes things.

Sometimes, you change your habits for certain reasons, only you know. You keep a secret to yourself and try to keep it that way. When great changes come everyone ask what'd happened, their questions grow more and more concerning about your health, education, family, they just don't get why did this change happen. Nothing is .. it just happened or I became a new person - Something happened.

I changed several times in my life, but the 2 great changes that have great impact on me till present are the 2 break-ups I ran through. The first breakup is briefed in a permanent change in my hairstyle. Cutting it really short, the reason behind that I wanted to change my look for 2 reason. I didn't want her to know me anymore, and  I don't want to keep something she liked so much. 
The second breakup was quite a shock for me, Though I really loved a lot of things about her, I hated her weak personality and dramatic scenes. Acting the "right" way concerned her so much that she acted in a total different way. Assuming everything gonna go in a bad way, drove everything to a bad way, finally to the brink. It ended in a really bad way from both sides, because I don't accept disrespect, I disrespected her. But I apologized for what I did. 
When I talk about the changes she did to me. Things went in a good way, others went in a bad way. She taught me that things can never go the way you want them. She taught me that family is the most important thing in your life, and you should cherish every moment you spend with them, and how to respect them and treat them right. She showed me stuff about myself that I didn't know, and if she was with me now. I would have loved her to see me in my happy moments. Things went in the other way too. Being dramatic all the time, suspicious, assuming things, believing her assumptions drove her to assume that I no longer love her, and made her break up with me, though this wasn't true. 
We can blame circumstance, or one of us, or all of those. But I think we should blame bad habits and bad decisions we made that drove our relationship to hell.
Every little thing in your life teach you something. If we only think what that thing is, we will learn a lot.

Thank you for your time.

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