
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Did you know that...

This sign was for CND cause,

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is an anti-nuclear organisation that advocates unilateral nuclear disarmament by the United Kingdom, international nuclear disarmament and tighter international arms regulation through agreements such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It opposes military action that may result in the use of nuclearchemical or biological weapons and the building of nuclear power stations in the UK.
CND was formed in 1957 and since that time has periodically been at the forefront of the peace movement in the UK. It claims to be Europe's largest single-issue peace campaign. Since 1959, it has organised the Aldermaston March, which is held over the Easter weekend from the Atomic Weapons Establishment near Aldermaston to Trafalgar SquareLondon. The first Aldermaston March in 1958 went the other way (from London to Aldermaston) and was organised by the Direct Action Committee.


Definition of Peace

Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. In international relations, peacetime is not only the absence of war or conflict, but also the presence of cultural and economic understanding and unity


Friday, December 30, 2011

قمه المسخره

نطلب ستر الثوره و حمايتها و يعرينا و يعريها.. يا عينى عليكى يا بلد .. ناس من شعبك تتهان و تطلع تدافع عن الهانها و و اخواتهم يتقتلوا و برده بيدفعوا عن القتلهم. يا عينى عليكى يا بلد الفقير فيكى فمه مقفول و الحرامى فيها رئيس مع مرتبه الشرف. و الغبى فيها واعى و الفاهم فيها بلطجى .. يا عينى عليكى يا بلد جبتى ولد ابن مره و توأمه داس فى الخره و الاتنين اخوات .. حاجه قمه المسخره.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

ideas and thoughts

Journal #24: ideas and thoughts

Journal Entry: Thu May 19, 2011, 5:15 AM
I have been thinking lately, What is the difference between Ideas and Thoughts? 

How can you relate responses like; "I have no idea!" or "this is thoughtful" to a certain course of action? 

I don't believe that I will reach a conclusion about the difference between Ideas and Thoughts in a couple of days, but attempts always worth a shot. and that's what I figured out...

An Idea is a single image, not necessarily clear, it can be an abstract or a vague photo of something, you can describe it in a word or two. Like the idea of Flying. I believe the image was a bird spreading its wings in a clear blue sky, or heading towards the sun in a beautiful sunset in a tropical island. After an idea comes a Thought. A thought is a group of ideas arranged together with a slight relation. 

Back to our previous Example:

Flying as an Idea: FLOATING IN THE AIR
Flying as a Thought: Relation between physical appearance, mechanism of movements, and others.


I always hear the term "GOOD IDEA" and the worse term "BAD IDEA". 

This needs correction according to the theory I've just written. There is no such thing as a described idea, no Good Ideas, no Bad Ideas, but there is a Good Thought, and a Bad Thought. HOW?
Ideas are images, fixed points, but Thoughts can be manipulated, drove, and drooled according to ones needs and desires.

Taking the previous Example (again): 

Abbas Ben-Fernas decided to fly, he fixed two wings made of stems, and feather and jumped of a high place.
the result was his epic failure. 
(bad thought)  
The Wright Bros decided to fly, they made a number of attempts till they made it. knowing that, they were bicycle makers, they applied mechanism to their Ride.  
(good thought)

The more relations you fix, the more chances you got to succeed in your mission.

an image from Google.

Artists need Creative Ideas to initiate their Thoughts and create/process Art. 

John Cleese said, "you have to have two things to motivate your creativity, boundaries of Space, and boundaries of Time." 

He explained, Boundaries of Space as a place where you can't get interrupted, disturbed or intruded by external factors (Like, getting inside your room and close the door with a sign on the door that you're busy), and Boundaries of Time as a time limitation to the initiation of ideas (like, setting the clock from 12:00 pm till 1:00 pm to initiate ideas.) 


The reason for the term "Sleeping over a Problem" is that your mind processes twice as fast when you're awake, because the mind works subconsciously when you're asleep.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Certificates Vs. Education

*This happens where I come from, my dear Egypt. 

I prefer to call myself a knowledgeable person than an educated person - 

A very absurd phenomenon happened to people with the evolution of mass communication, and the fierce competition between candidates. We find a person unqualified for a desk job because he's not good at sports, or because she's too pretty, or because he's fat, black, white, veiled, ... etc. 
Then we find qualifications are exceeding that, you have to know a couple of languages, even if you know your native and the worldwide English language and you have to have soft skills, and have experience more than 3 years, othertime 5 years experience, you can be experienced for a year but NO! it's not enough. When I graduate and look for a job, where should I start if everyone is seeking 3 - 5 years expertise? 

"They want the best"
but they fall in the wrong choices

So, people find themselves under pressure, and they start gathering "certificates" even though they don't know much about the material of classes they have attended or have passed. They have studied for an exam and bought the certificate. 

"They need certificates, you need a job. it's a solved equation (x = y = 1)."

I remember my most "stupid" debate with one of my class mates, and we were arguing whether we should do the rituals of every year with one of our professors. The rituals were simply like this, we buy him a bouquet of flowers that range from EGP 200 to EGP 300 and we get good grades and pass the class.
I said that we shouldn't do such a thing  and we shouldn't give him the chance to be lazy, arrogant, and over confident about his material and he should look thoroughly at what he teaches because we don't understand his class that's why we would probably fail without the bouquet. My mate had a different opinion, "We want to pass!" that's what he literally told me. 
At the time we prefer passing a class than getting real education that might help us at some point in our lives, career, or else, people out there in the "real" world get real education and use people like us to do archive work. 

People rush to classes, courses, outside/inside universities to get certificates, not to get educated, not to learn something new - just to get a filthy job to stay stuck in it their whole life till they die. I prefer to lose chances to get certificates than to kill the knowledge seeker inside. And I know I am losing, but I seek valued benefit not fake signed papers. 

"I refuse to kill the knowledge seeker inside."

I hope one day someone would share this vision with me, to change wrong  actions, and value knowledge.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

شحاته على الطراز المصرى

رؤيه شخصيه لربما كانت متطرفه. كل مره كنت بمشى فى الشارع مع امى و تيجى شحاته مثلا سنها 17 - 19 سنه كانت دايما امى ترد عليها - شوفى شغل بدل مانتى عماله تضايقى فى الرايح و الجاى بيوت كتيره محتاجين الناس القدك يساعدوهم فى شغل البيت.

مع انتشار ظاهره الشحاته و القصص عن الناس البتقطع اطرافها عشان تصعب على الناس الرايحه و الجايه و الناس البتدور على فتات الجيوب فى الحقيقه ليست الطبقه التحت خط الفقر. انها طبقه تتغلغل فى طبقات معينه من المجتمع و تقبع فى هذه المجتمعات تحت عقليه الكسل و الجهل. و احنا بنعمل ايه؟ بنساعدهم لكى يزيدوا كسلا و جهلا.

كنت قاعد على قهوه فى الثامن و جت بنت عمرها 9 سنوات تقريبا. معندهاش غير جمله "هات اى حاجه" و ماسكه فى ايدها مقلمه تشخشخ الفكه بها (ربنا يزيدها فكه لحد يقول بحسد) - اسراء بعد مهاترات كثيره عرفت ان ابوها و امها قاعدين فى البيت و منزلينها هى و اخوتها الاتنين يشحتوا فى منطقه التامن و مكرم عبيد عشان يرجعولهم بالفكه و من القالته اسراء .. والديها معندهمش مشاكل جسديه تمنعهم من ممارسه اى مهنه.
فتحظى هذه الطفله بولا حاجه - لأنها لا تذهب الى المدرسه فا مش هتتعلم اى حاجه و هتفضل طول عمرها فى الشارع تشحت لحد ما يجى يوم ما تسرق او تقتل او تغتصب.

قصه اخرى لشحاته طفله عند سنتر من نفس المنطقه - لكن بجمله اخرى "هات ربع جنيه" - المتكلمه الصغيره قالت لفظ "سجره" (شجره يعنى) فبقلها شجره بالشين. قالت "فى بلدنا اسمها شجره" و طلعت من المنوفيه. طب ايه اليجيب بنت عمرها 8 سنوات مثلا من المنوفيه عشان تشحت فى مكرم عبيد؟

تقريبا رجع زمن العبيد. يشتروا العيال دي او يخطفوهم و يجبوهم يشحتوا فى احياء القاهره. و الله أعلم.

الحل: اننا منديش اى حد فلوس و لو عاوزين نطلع صدقات نطلعها فى مكانها الحقيقى. الجنيه الانت بطلعه بيزود الظاهره و يخلى الناس تزيد كسل و جهل.

و يا ريت الحكومه تشوف حل للموضوع ده.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Measuring systems were created by man to classify others. Years, places, languages, height, width, are modernized to classify people by other people, make things more complicated towards the benefit of some group or groups of people - Old, new, mad, sane, wise, dumb, genius, tall, short, fat, fast, slow, fashion, beauty - cold classifications.

Stop acting upon measurements and kill classification systems.